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上星期末共进行了两场托福考试,周六考后第一时刻咱们为托福备考党们送上了热火朝天的托福口语、写作独立题回想宽和析,还未看的同学戳【考情回想 ·12月9日托福口语、写作独立题解析】,以下这篇是昨日(12月10日)托福考试口语及写作独立题的解析,托福备考党们看过来~


Task 1

Which background do you think would be the best for a government leader?




分析:同类型的标题,10月28号刚考过一次。所以平常的独立真题操练非常重要哦。尽管三个都可以选择,可是比较照来说,business理由非常好说一些。可以从有business布景的人做抉择计划思考更全部,对社会,经济商场等愈加晓得的视点去和government leader相联系。


From my point of view, I believe that a man with a background in busin
ess is the most suitable for a government leader. As a businessman, he needs to be more thoughtful and cautious when making decisions. Because a small mistake would make them suffer great losses. And these qualities are quite important for a government leader to handle affairs in daily life. Besides, equipped with the knowledge and experience on business, the government leader could have a comprehensive understanding of society, economy and market. So compared with the military and law, a government leader with business background could pay more attention on different aspects of the society.


thoughtful / cautious / suffer / great loss / affairs / comprehensive / pay attention to


If a mayor is to selected from the following candidates, who all have no political experience but are successful in their own field, which one do you think is the best candidate for mayor? (2017.10.28)

A university professor ,A businessman , A doctor

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is harder to save money than it was in the past.





I strongly agree with the statement. Saving money has already become a dream for us, especially for the young. As an office worker who has been living and working in Shanghai for years, I have much to say on this topic. For me, only a small amount of money could be saved every month. I am spending more than I am saving. Because the housing prices are rising faster than wages. It is a very common phenomenon that an increasing number of the young become the Generation Rent. They can’t afford houses by themselves. And also the rising cost of education is a big part of challenge. Thus, all those are the key factors in previous generations’ savings.

词汇:housing price / rising / spend / wages / Generation Rent / afford / key


Agree or disagree? Students do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.





1. Students have more means to acquire knowledge than they did in the past. 在曩昔教师是学生获取常识的首要来历,而如今学生有多种途径去获取常识。

2. The growing number of negative publicity of teachers exacerbates the disrespect to teachers. 如今越来越多对教师的负面报导使得学生和家长对教师的不信赖添加,而曩昔极稀有对教师的负面报导。

3. Those spoiled kids show less respect to teachers. 如今越来越多的的三口之家使得孩子被宠坏,会不尊敬别人;而曩昔的我们庭使得孩子会彼此尊敬。


1. Teachers will pay attention to students’ mental development other than their score. 早年的教师只关怀学生的成果,而如今的教师还关怀学生身心全部打开。

2. There is a growing trend to value the role of education. 曩昔我们觉得承受许多教育没有用,而如今我们越发注重教育的作用。

3. More and more teachers are well trained. 如今的教师有专业的技能培训,比起曩昔的教师更专业。


acquire knowledge 获取常识

means 途径

distrust 不信赖

spoil the kids宠坏孩子

exam-oriented education 应试教育

pay attention to 重视

professional training 专业练习

negative publicity 负面报导

value 注重

mutual respect 彼此尊敬


上海沃邦TOEFL junior项目担任人、TOEFL写作教师,宾夕法尼亚州立大学TESL专业结业。五年语培作业教育经历,擅长对症下药,了解低龄学生广泛存在的疑问,并对学生的疑问能给出关于性主张。


沃邦托福听口资深讲师, 五年托福教育经历并具有高档中学教师资历。 一向尽力于托福的一线教育,教材编写,教研作业,以及课后效能等。参加编写《托福听力基础/前进段教材》、《托福口语前进强化段教材》。上课个性新鲜活力,长于启示学生,课后答疑点评极具耐性、 长于鼓舞引导协助学生直面应试,培育出多个托福口语26+及听力28+学员。


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